Keep on Rollin'
The first stages after the "Big Chop" have been some of the best stages in my natural hair journey so far. But now that my hair has grown out a bit, I'm at the dreaded awkward length. Twist-outs, fro-hawks, head bands, and wash and goes are becoming boring to me and though I do have a lot more hair than what I originally had, I still don't have enough hair to do many natural hairstyles. I thought that this was true up until about a week ago. I realized when my hair was stretched, I had enough hair on the back of my head( which was previously tapered) to twist! So with the help of a friend, we came up with the hairstyle in the photo to the left. It started off with two twists going up the back of my head. The twists in the front are arranged so that you can't tell where they end. My hair was already moisturized and was stretched with a blow dryer on a low heat setting. All you need after that is patience and bobby pins, lots and lots of bobby pins! The twists can go in any direction or style that you want but the main goal is to not be able to tell where they end and for some, where they begin. This is a great way to protect your ends and is also a great way to wear your hair so that you won't have to do it everyday. Another thing I liked about this hairstyle was that it was very easy to sleep on. I wore this style to a party and for 3 days afterwards and it didn't budge! I only took it out to add moisturizer an oil to my hair because it was getting dry. This style is very versatile and can be worn anywhere; to a formal event or just for a casual day to day look. So I hope you enjoy and give us feedback on what you think of it.
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